Internet-based Investigations with EnCase

CPE: 32 créditos. Nivel: avanzado.

Método de enseñanza: grupo.

Nivel NASBA definido: avanzado.

Código: DFIR350.

Duración: 4 días.

Para más información, descargue el programa completo de los cuatro días en PDF:


About this course

This hands-on course involves practical exercises and challenging real-life case investigations pertaining to Internet-based investigations. Artifacts from popular peer-to-peer and file sharing programs, such as BitTorrent, Ares, and Gigatribe will be retrieved and examined. Emails and the Internet are the cornerstones of consumer and business use. Virtually all examinations ranging from corporate to criminal to cybersecurity investigations will involve the interrogation of email and Internet data. Artifacts from the most widely utilized Internet browsers, including Internet Explorer/Edge, Firefox, and Chrome will be analyzed.


This course is intended for law enforcement officers, computer forensic examiners, corporate and private investigators, and network security personnel. A basic understanding of the concepts of computer forensics is required. The class curriculum builds upon the foundation of the DF210-Building an Investigation course, continuing with a focus on file and operating system examinations.


DF210 - Building an Investigation with EnCase or EnCE Certification. Advance preparation for this course is not required.


The course provides in-depth coverage on artifacts involving: