Macintosh Examinations with EnCase


CPE: 32 créditos. Nivel: avanzado.

Método de enseñanza: grupo.

Nivel NASBA definido: avanzado.

Código: DF420.

Duración: 4 días.

Para más información, descargue el programa completo de los cuatro días en PDF:


About the course

The introduction of the iPod, iPhone, and iPad and the use of Intel-based processors have generated a steep increase in the sales of Macintosh computers, which are no longer restricted to the realm of desktop publishing and computer-aided design.

Computer users are attracted by the design of the Macintosh, its UNIX-like stability, ease-of-use, and its ability to run Microsoft® Windows. Most die-hard Windows users will refuse to return their Mac once they’ve started using it.


This course is intended for EnCase users working as law enforcement officers, corporate and private investigators, computer forensic examiners, and network security personnel. A basic understanding of the concepts of computer forensics is required. This class continues the tuition provided in the DF210 - Building an Investigation with EnCase course with a focus on conducting examinations of the Macintosh operating systems.


DF210 - Building an Investigation with EnCase or EnCE Certification. Advance preparation for this course is not required


This hands-on course makes a departure from the world of Microsoft Windows and provides in-depth instruction on analyzing the various Macintosh operating system artifacts. The course’s topics will cover: